quinta-feira, 1 de abril de 2010

Nora's Hallucination-Sex scene with Edward

Setting: Edward has been gone for very long. Nora has this fantasy/hallucination with him. It's not quite a dream, since vampires don´t sleep, yet she is in this Zombie, grieving state, because of something Edward will explain latter on in this part. Thus her mind wanders.


Edward's back with me. I can feel him climbing into bed. He whispers "I missed you" in my ear and his warm breath makes the little hair on the back of my neck jump up. It's as if all my body is welcoming him back.
"Edward, I'm so happy you're here."
"I know I can hear you loud and clear. What will happen if I put my hand here?" He wondered as he laid his right hand on my thigh. I was lying on a loose fetal position and hadn't turned around to see his face. I was allowing my other senses to note his presence.
"How interesting! Your thoughts are wildly amusing!" He giggled and made my favourite crocked smile.
" I just hope you make my thoughts reality, Edward, otherwise, you're teasing me for the sole purpose of getting your arse kicked!"
"Nora you're so impatient." He grins as he turns me to face him. His face looked even more fantastic than my memory had it be. Not even my vampire abilities are able to sink in all his beauty.
He's sitting on our fluffy beige bed. it has this sort of canopy all around it making it feel like a bird's nest for two hungry vampires. Edward's looking down at me with the look of sheer joy. We were long last reunited. He has missed me as much as I had him. All the misery he had put me through while he was gone was gone and replaced with pure fascination. He took my face in his hands as to apologise. There was no need for such thing yet this was Edward we were talking about. He considered that everything that went wrong in the world was his fault. He put his lips in mine, slowly, or as I could tell. Vampire definitions of velocity were a bit off when compared to all other creatures. I suppose this must have looked like a big blurb of motion. A lightning fast, fierce and passionate kiss to a human. It was exactly that however it lasted forever. His lips were thirsty for mine. His tongue craved mine, and we kissed. He tasted as sweet as ever. Much better than my memory had it be. It was a mix of lavender, citrus and bright floral. It was the best combination I'd ever tasted. Besides, it was his, therefore it would be my mission to worship everything that belonged to him. Which I did effortless.
All that we suffered while we were apart was all but forgotten. As of that moment we were one. His hands remembered the way across my body just as his lips did. He held me as if never to let go. We wouldn't have to let go. We could go on like this. Never getting tired, only hungry for each other. We would eventually have to hunt but we could last weeks without nourishment. That was a good plan. To be with him for weeks. Such a happy thought. Edward agreed, I felt him smile as he kissed down my neck. He let his tongue leave a wet, venom filled pathway to my chest. He took his time on my breasts, caressing them, kissing and passing his tongue over and over again across my nipples leaving a jolt a electricity go through my entire body. Feeling as if I was being electrocuted. Although it did not hurt. Quite the contrary. As if all the electricity he was generating in me couldn't be held inside. As if I'd implode from the immense pleasure Edward was provoking me. His golden eyes glistened with sheer happiness. There was nothing else in the world he'd rather be doing. Nowhere he'd rather be. I was his. Forever...
He left a wet trace from my chest down my ribs up to my belly button. He bit my hip until it bled and he drank from me. My venom, originally his, was deadly to everyone else and would leave a mark. Yet the same wouldn't happen on us. We shared venom and our systems took them as if they came from the same source. The bite mark would fade and I'd be left with marble skin once more.
I was nearly stroking from so much pleasure. I grabbed Edward with a little too much force and got on top of him. It was my turn to tease him. He let out the most adorable giggle. He was so happy to be back. He had been miserable without me. He needed me to be happy. As I did him.
I gazed at the breathtaking Greek god I had in front of me, that if I still breathed to stay alive. He was simply perfect. Incredibly majestic, unbelievably graceful for such a powerful creature. I was amazed at how amazing and modest he was. Edward was my world, my personal paradise. Mine.
I couldn't help kissing his pale pink lips. He was mouthwatering and my knees felt as if they were shaking. His venom filled veins were visible thought his marble neck. They were pulsing with so much intensity one would think there was still a heart pumping. Our kind was as mysterious as the night to humans. For us it's simply the time of day that doesn't reflect our skin, at least the shine is not visible through mortal eyes. There are no mysteries for us. except each other.
Edward laid there in all his glory. I was impelled to touch his perfectly sculpted chest and his biceps and his belly, with perfectly defined abs. I wanted to hold this image in my memory. It was glorious. I would have drool had Edward not woken me from my devious line of thought by his mischievous and amused giggle.

"You really think I'm that hot?"
"Edward stop making fun of my thoughts. I cant help myself. you were gone for so long. I missed how the sun reflects your skin. Your glow is different from everyone else's. My memories couldn't stay true to your aura?"
"I'm not making fun of you love. I just find it incredibly amusing that you want me as badly as I want you. Besides I like your glow much better than my own. The patterns the window light makes in your skin are lovely. I'm tempted to make those silly shadow forms on your back every time you're looking away. You're mesmerising my dear."
"Edward shut up and continue were my line of thought was broken." And he did...Edward was about to...
"Nora! Noraaaaa! Nora wake up! What on earth has happened to you?"
I was snapped into reality just as my hallucination was getting interesting. That was the only time of the day I'd be sane and pleasant. When I had Edward in my mind.
"Carlisle what do you want? I was having such a nice time"
"Nora you cant go on like this. I know Edward and I put you through this situation but if you promise us to behave we'll let you out. You are either grieving or you shut the world out and lock yourself in your pathetic hallucinations."
"They feel so real Carlisle. Your son left me with nothing. What am I supposed to do ?"
"Move on with your life, Nora. Alice had a vision of you breaking out of Volturi's guards and doing something to end your existence taking innocent humans along. I just came here to stop you."
"You still had plenty of time. I was only going on a killing spree once I was done with my dream. You had no reason to wake me up so soon."
"Nora I'm worried. Besides the obvious innocent lives, I'm worried about you. All this time you haven't fed or gotten up from that bed. Moreover, Edward's shirt has probably lost all his smell since you've been sniffing it non.stop. You're going mental and I wish to help you. I know Edward is your maker and you love him but he doesn't feel the same way. It was my fault he turned you. I pulled him away and prevented him from killing you. I took him away from you and you burned alone. I'm terrible sorry for that but Edward loathes you for being a part of himself." His words barely broke my hallucination. I heard what Carlisle said yet all I could think was that he had been near Edward and he still had his scent on him. I was inhaling as much as I could from were I stood. Carlisle was right though. Edward's shirt was thought out of all his scent. It held mine now. That made me feel as if he was within me. That's why I hadn't taken it off.
Edward wherever you are, if you can hear me please come back. I love you and if you don't come back to me I'll hunt humans until Demetri gets here, or whoever the Volturi send to get me. I want you back and my blood and that of the innocents will be in your hands. Come back EDWARD! I want you now!

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