It was nearly midday and I was ready to face my death. Without Bella, life was meaningless, for she was my reason my, heart my soul I could not live thinking that my perfect angel did no longer exist, there was no point enduring in this world without the one you love.
Distance was indeed way too much to handle but this; knowing that she no longer walked this earth, that was much harder I couldn´t exist for another second. I need to go to her, find her in heaven. I would climb the gates of hell just to see her face again just to breathe her scent which no longer made my thirst unbearable, now that sweet innocent scent makes me love her with every cell in my body. That is why it has come to this that is why I must be killed.
I´m sorry my love, I couldn´t save you, I should have done something, anything to prevent you from loving me, but I wasn´t strong enough. I was too selfish. I needed my Bella to love me as I loved her. It would have saved her but I could never do that. Oh why was I born?! Why didn´t I die a century ago?! I don´t deserve the love she gave me. I´m a monster, a selfish murderer, a weak excuse for a night creature. I deserve to suffer, for hurting my beautiful Bella, I don´t seek forgiveness, for it can never be granted. My life no longer exists so nor shall my existence.
From my peripheral vision I got a glimpse of two black long cloaks. The Volturi guard is waiting to murder me. Good, this shall be fast. At the second toll of the clock I stepped forward.
As I walk into Volterra´s sunlight I feel something grabbing my chest, as I open my eyes I see my Bella ,“Amazing, Carlisle was right” and there I was in heaven holding Bella in my arms. I could not believe my soul deserved to be in heaven. How were my sins forgiven?! Nothing mattered I would be with Bella forever.
"I can't believe how quick it was. I didn't feel a thing-they're very good," As I press my lips to Bella´s hair, I inhale the scent that once made me a killer, but now it could only me feel as if the most amazing perfume had just entered my nostrils. That scent was as beautiful as its owner, the one I would love for all eternity. The one I hurt ever so deeply and was still willing to be held by me, the creature that broke her, that made her doubt herself and the love I felt for her. To this day I cannot believe I had the strength to keep away for so many months, every second felt excruciating as if nothing would ease the pain no matter how much I fought to forget. If this was heaven how could I be in it?
The line from Romeo and Juliet, when he was at his tomb, appeared in my mind and I voiced it without realizing
"Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, hath had no power yet upon thy beauty,"
"You smell just exactly the same as always," I went on. "So maybe this is hell. I don't care. I'll take it." This was so unreal that I could almost doubt it, but I could feel Bella in my arms so It must be heaven, or hell either way .I had prayed for the pain to numb, for myself to be kept from feeling a thing. But this, how could I have ever imagined that death would be so peaceful, it is so unfair. I did not deserve to be happy again. For all the pain I´d cause I should have rotten in hell, and I would be grateful for it. In that case Bella would no longer suffer. If I was away, and having my punishment. But I didn´t. Why was God being so kind to me?! My sins alone should condemn me to hell, though I am here, holding my true and only love in my arms. I know I do not deserve, but I am, utterly and immensely joyful, if such word can describe the imensitude of my feelings right now.
"I'm not dead," she interrupted my chain of thought. "And neither are you! Please Edward, we have to move. They can't be far away!" I could barely speak. My confusion, growing by each word my love spoke.
"What was that?" I asked as politely as I could considering my shock.
"We're not dead, not yet! But we have to get out of here before the Volturi-" Bella spoke these words and suddenly I realized what she´d been trying to tell me. I wasn´t dead, and neither was she. What of that?! I remember Jacobs words as if they were being spoken this instant: “Charlie´s at the funeral”- what other funeral was he referring to? I saw Bella jump in Alice´s vision, she could not be alive. And yet she was…
I yanked Bella from our embrace on the edge of the shadows, and spinned her so that her back was against the brick wall. I instantly spread my arms wide to protect her from the two dark shapes that were approaching.
"Greetings, gentlemen," I greet, my voice a trained mask to cover all shreds of emotion, only to present the politeness and pleasantness required.
"I don't think I'll be requiring your services today. I would appreciate it very much, however, if you would send my thanks to your masters." I calmly added.
"Shall we take this conversation to a more appropriate venue?" a smooth voice whispered menacingly.
"I don't believe that will be necessary." I slipped! My voice was harder now, I couldn’t act properly in these conditions, not with Bella behind me, fearing for both our lives, but hers was the only one I cared about. "I know your instructions, Felix. I haven't broken any rules."
"Felix merely meant to point out the proximity of the sun," the other shadow said in a soothing tone. They were both concealed within smoky gray cloaks that reached to the ground and undulated in the wind. "Let us seek better cover."
"I'll be right behind you," I said dryly to the guards, not having the patience to pretend anymore.
I turn around -"Bella, why don't you go back to the square and enjoy the festival?"
"No, bring the girl," the first shadow said, somehow injecting a leer into his whisper.
"I don't think so." The pretense of civility disappeared. My voice was flat and icy. Politeness wouldn´t make a difference right now, so I gave up entirely my facade. I shifted my weight infinitesimally, as I prepared to fight.
"No." Bella mouthed the word.
"Shh," I murmured only for her.
"Felix," the second, more reasonable shadow cautioned. "Not here." He turned to me. "Aro would simply like to speak with you again, if you have decided not to force our hand after all."
"Certainly," I agreed. '"But the girl goes free."
"I'm afraid that's not possible," the polite shadow said regretfully. "We do have rules to obey."
"Then I'm afraid that I'll be unable to accept Aro's invitation, Demetri."
"That's just fine," Felix purred. My eyes were adjusting to the deep shade, and I could see that Felix was very big, tall and thick through the shoulders. His size reminded me of Emmett.
"Aro will be disappointed," Demetri sighed.
"I'm sure he'll survive the letdown," I replied, sick of the false politeness.
Felix and Demetri did as usual in an ambush, they stole closer toward the mouth of the alley, spreading out slightly so they could come at me from two sides, thus avoiding any scene I may had thought of causing. It didn´t apply anymore, Bella was alive and I did not wish to die anymore, now was just a matter of making them see that, and avoiding Aro´s meeting which would probably end up with me never leaving Italy, either dead or the new Volturi addition, to their collection of gifted vampires.
I didn´t move. I couldn´t. Not with Bella behind me, she didn´t matter to them. They would simply kill her in the safety of the shadows, and force me to my meeting with Aro, and all of this, done so effortlessly and quickly, that no human eye would follow the movements, and understand their results.
"Let's behave ourselves, shall we?" a lilting voice suggested. "There are ladies present."
Alice came to my side, showing me the inevitability of our meeting with Aro, as I feared.
"We're not alone," she reminded them.
Demetri glanced over his shoulder. A few yards into the square, the little family, with the girls in their red dresses, was watching us. The mother was speaking urgently to her husband, her eyes on the five of us. She looked away when Demetri met her gaze. The man walked a few steps farther into the plaza, and tapped one of the red-blazered men on the shoulder.
Demetri shook his head. "Please, Edward, let's be reasonable," he said.
"Let's," I agreed. "And we'll leave quietly now, with no one the wiser."
Demetri sighed in frustration. "At least let us discuss this more privately."
Six men in red now joined the family as they watched us with anxious expressions. I was still in protective stance in front of Bella, I had heard the familys thoughts, they were considering calling the police, and their version of the facts was completely off, but still that would be enough for us to get a chance to leave Volterra without attending to Aro´s meeting, as if anyone can call it that. This was just the way he found to try to convince me to join his family. Apparently my ability was a desired addition to his collection, and it has been so for a long time.
My teeth came together audibly. "No."
Felix smiled.
The voice was high, reedy, and came from behind us.
"Jane," I sighed in recognition and resignation.
Felix and Demetri relaxed immediately, stepping back from their offensive positions to blend again with the shadows of the overhanging walls.
I dropped my arms and relaxed my position as well-but in defeat.
Jane was as tiny as Alice, with lank, pale brown hair trimmed short. Her body under the cloak was dark, almost black, slim and androgynous; she was turned as a child so her body remained at the age of 10,or so.
"Follow me," Jane spoke again, her childish voice a monotone. She turned her back on us and drifted silently into the dark.
Felix gestured for us to go first, smirking.
Alice walked after the little Jane at once. I wrapped my arm around Bella´s waist and pulled her along beside me. The alley angled slightly downward as it narrowed.
"Well, Alice," I said conversationally as we walked. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to see you here."
"It was my mistake," Alice answered in the same tone. "It was my job to set it right."
"What happened?" my voice was polite, I tried to seen barely interested, I didn´t want to let Jane know the extent of my interest in Bella (if anyone can call it that), or she would use that against me.
"It's a long story." Alice's eyes flickered toward Bella and away. "In summary, she did jump off a cliff, but she wasn't trying to kill herself. Bella's all about the extreme sports these days."
I had been paying the utmost attention to Alice´s thoughts as she put me up-to-date with the werewolves’ situation, the adrenaline effect in Bella, which caused her to hear my voice, the result that my absence caused, and most of all Bella´s reaction to my decision to kill myself. She had believed my lie, she thought I didn’t love her anymore. How could she believe that? After all the times I told her I loved her, I thought I had proved myself, did she have that little confidence in herself? she would believe the first time I said otherwise. I did not expect that.
"Hm," I said curtly, unable to voice anything else. And the casual tone of my voice was gone.
There was a loose curve to the alley, still slanting downward, and a squared-off dead end coming until we reached the flat, windowless, brick face.
"It's all right, Bella," I said in a low voice. "Alice will catch you."-As I realized Bella had just seen the gap where she would have to jump.
"Alice?" She whispered, voice trembling.
"I'm right here, Bella," Alice reassured her. Her voice came from too far below to make Bella feel better, as far as I could tell.
I took her wrists and lowered her into the blackness.
“Ready?” I asked Alice
“Drop her” She replied
After Bella I jumped down the hole, and as I reached the floor next to her, I put my arm around her, holding her close to my side, and I began to tow her swiftly forward. Bella wrapped both arms around my cold waist, and tripped and stumbled her way across the uneven stone surface.
I was listening to Alice´s fearing thoughts. She missed Jasper, but I understood immediately why she hadn´t brought him, she loves him as I love Bella, so she could not risk his life. If the whole family had come to Volterra to try to stop my death, they would die in the process, and that she couldn’t live with. I see how she regrets putting Bella in danger, but I understand her reason. She loves me and Bella and our pain is her pain(in a lesser scale but still more than anyone could handle by themselves), she had to do something to make up for her mistake, even though it wasn´t her fault, neither it was Bella´s. I am the one responsible for all this mess. If I had never put Bella in danger by loving her. If I had never left, thus causing her to put herself it the hands of instable and unreliable wolves for protection. If I wasn´t so eager to kill myself before making sure that Bella was indeed dead. But we can´t change the past. I can only try to prevent the future, which consists in our death.
I broke my chain of thoughts, and came back to reality. I held Bella´s face in my hand, to try to comfort her, and apologize, she seemed so frail and scared, but not only for herself, I believe she feared for my life, after all I had put her through she still loved be just as much as the day I broker heart. I was so sorry for that Alice´s memory of the state Bella was in when she got to her place. It made me shudder. Poor Bella I felt so unbelievably guilty. I don’t think I will ever be able to fix the hole I left in her chest. My hole seems to have magically patched itself up, at the moment I got the glimpse of her body. I had missed her so. I was so selfish, drowning myself in pain, I did not stop to think of hers she was suffering nearly as much as I was, and that for a human is almost impossible to abide, and live to tell the tale. I have just realized how selfish I really was I didn’t even make any attempt to try to seem normal, I got away from my family, I ran away. But Bella didn’t she was able to put herself together and pretend to be normal. She was so brave I was truly impressed. First I never thought it would be this bad, but every tick of the clock was more excruciating than the one before. I simply sank into darkness, only surfacing to my death that ended up not happening.
I stopped my rambling that felt like an eternity, but it had only passed a couple of minutes. I refocused on Bella, this would most likely be our last moment together. The sadness overwhelmed me but I didn’t let it show, not only for tha surrounding vampires that watched our every move, but also for it would be worse for Bella she had been through hell and back, she didn’t need to burden my anguish.
I ever so gently started caressing her hair, I passed my thumb through the extension of her jaw, and them as if it were our last moment on this earth I pressed my lips to her forehead and inhaled her sweet scent that I had missed to a great extent. Why were we such doomed lovers, it seems that I now understand Romeo, I just as foolish as he was, and hotheaded is not one of the main characteristics of a vampire, but I guess neither is falling in love with a human.
I suddenly feel Bella´s pulse racing, she must be claustrophobic, I wasn´t really paying attention to our surroundings, those weren’t the memories I wanted to keep in my mind when I die. I just shoved everything to the background of my brain except for Bella´s touch, and my ramblings.
The path beneath our feet continued to slant downward, taking us deeper into the ground, I couldn't tell where the light was coming from, but it slowly turned dark gray instead of black. We were in a low, arched tunnel. Long trails of ebony moisture seeped down the gray stones, like they were bleeding ink.
I kept my hand in motion soothing Bella´s face, and her pulse returned to normal (within the standard raced beating, due to my presence), she seems rather composed, considering, but that’s just like Bella she worries about everyone else but herself. And as if to contradict my thought she began shaking, but not out of fear, her teeth started to chatter together, her clothes were still wet, and the temperature underneath the city was wintry, as was my skin, at least to her touch.
I let go of her keeping only her hand.
"N-n-no," She chattered, she must had realized that these were our last moments together, and she would rather freeze, than let go of me.
The feeling was mutual. I chafed against her arm, trying to warm her with the friction.
Felix was irritated by Bella´s slow progression, and sighed once in a while. We were hurried trough the tunnel.
At the end of the tunnel was a grate-the iron bars were rusting, but thick as my arm. A small door made of thinner, interlaced bars was standing open. I ducked through and hurried on to a larger, brighter stone room. The grille slammed shut with a clang, followed by the snap of a lock.
On the other side of the long room was a low, heavy wooden door. It was very thick-as I could tell because it, too, stood open.
As I looked around I was swarmed with thoughts, loud as ever, the guards, and a couple of vampires were just going over memories and affairs, uninteresting petty thought that required no attention, I as I hear a particular, I tensed and jaw clenched tight.
I glowered darkly down the long hallway, toward the slight, black shrouded figure at the end, standing by an elevator.
I pulled Bella along, and Alice walked on Bella´s other side. The heavy door creaked shut behind us, and then there was the thud of a bolt sliding home.
Jane waited by the elevator, one hand holding the doors open for us. Her expression was apathetic, her thoughts were dark and sadistic, as they were from the moment she laid eyes on us.
Once inside the elevator, the three vampires that belonged to the Volturi relaxed further. They threw back their cloaks, letting the hoods fall back on their shoulders. Felix and Demetri were both of a slightly olive complexion-it looked odd combined with their chalky pallor. Felix's black hair was cropped short, but Demetri's waved to his shoulders. Their irises were deep crimson around the edges, darkening until they were black around the pupil. Under the shrouds, their clothes were modern, pale, and nondescript. Bella cowered in the corner, cringing against me. My hand still rubbed against her arm. I kept my eyes on Jane; she had been planning to cause the maximum amount of pain in the least amount of time, for she feared Aro´s reprehension.
The elevator ride was short; we stepped out into what looked like a posh office reception area. The walls were paneled in wood, the floors carpeted in thick, deep green. There were no windows, but large, brightly lit paintings of the Tuscan countryside hung everywhere as replacements. Pale leather couches were arranged in cozy groupings, and the glossy tables held crystal vases full of vibrantly colored bouquets. The flowers' smell reminded me of a funeral home.
In the middle of the room was a high, polished mahogany counter. I gawked in astonishment at the woman behind it.
She was tall, with dark skin and green eyes. She was every bit as human as Bella was. And I was shocked by her mind. Apparently she knows all about the Volturi and believes that she will be useful, and they will spare her life, and give her a new one. I wouldn’t be so sure, because the Volturi will keep her alive for as long as she proves herself useful. The moment that seizes to be true, she will be the meal.
She smiled politely in welcome. "Good afternoon, Jane," she said. There was no surprise in her face as she glanced at Jane's company. My bare chest glinting dimly in the white lights didn’t disturb her composure, not even Bella, shaking and in wet clothes, she didn’t even think of helping, she was used to dreadful scenes, for she had seen the end of the tour guide around The Volturi´s castle, they drank every tourist of every group, and no one outside those doors seems to notice. That is probably why they are so efficient, they go to great lengths to keep their secret.
Jane nodded. "Gianna." She continued toward a set of double doors in the back of the room, and we followed.
As Felix passed the desk, he winked at Gianna, and she giggled, uh I immediately stopped listening to her thoughts. Her fantasies with Felix were a bit too bloody for her to survive, but she doesn’t seem to mind. People are strange.
On the other side of the wooden doors was a different kind of reception. The pale boy in the pearl gray suit could have been Jane's twin. His hair was darker, and his lips were not as full, but he was just as lovely, or so it would seem. He came forward to meet us. He smiled, reaching for her. "Jane."
"Alec," she responded, embracing the boy. They kissed each other's cheeks on both sides. Then he looked at us.
"They send you out for one and you come back with two... and a half," he noted, looking at Bella. "Nice work."
She laughed.
"Welcome back, Edward," Alec greeted me. "You seem in a better mood."
"Marginally," I agreed in a flat voice. My previous encounter with Aro had been in different circumstances, and I was able to flight his desire to add me to his gifted vampires collection, based on luck basically and the patience the Volturi possessed. They didn’t consider time as humans did. The “I´ll see you soon” meant for them a century or so. They had time to wait for me, and I was glad it was so, for it gave me the possibility to be free until that moment.
Alec chuckled, and examined Bella as she clung to my side. "And this is the cause of all the trouble?" he asked, skeptical.
I only smiled, my expression contemptuous, or so I imagine, I was getting bombarded with all these emotions, I couldn’t cope, First I had to protect Bella at any cost, but that meant I had to survive this encounter. Then I tried as best as I could to listen to everyone´s mind at the same time and skim though the ones that may cause a treat. It broke down to six people Aro, Felix, Caius, Marcus, Jane and Alec.
"Dibs," Felix called casually from behind.
I turned, a low snarl building deep in my chest. Felix smiled-his hand was raised, palm up; he curled his fingers twice, inviting me forward.
I was ever so eager to ripp is throat but Alice touched my arm and made me listen to her thoughts."Patience," she cautioned me.
She showed me the outcome of this encounter which made me take a deep breath, of relief. I just hope everyone keeps their current thoughts and decisions, and everything will go for the best.
"Aro will be so pleased to see you again," Alec said, as if nothing had passed.
"Let's not keep him waiting," Jane suggested.
I nodded once.
Alec and Jane, holding hands, led the way down yet another wide, ornate hall-would there ever be an end?
They ignored the doors at the end of the hall-doors entirely sheathed in gold-stopping halfway down the hall and sliding aside a piece of the paneling to expose a plain wooden door. It wasn't locked. Alec held it open for Jane.
I could see Bella wasn´t happy with me pulling her through to the other side of the door. It was the same ancient stone as the square, the alley, and the sewers. And it was dark and cold again, she hid a groan.
The stone antechamber was not large. It opened quickly into a brighter, cavernous room, perfectly round like a huge castle turret... which was exactly what it was.
Two stories up, long window slits threw thin rectangles of bright sunlight onto the stone floor below. There were no artificial lights. The only furniture in the room were several massive wooden chairs, like thrones, that were spaced unevenly, flush with the curving stone walls. In the very center of the circle, in a slight depression, was another drain. They used it as an exit, for the body parts, or as vampires would call; leftovers.
The room was not empty. A handful of people were convened in seemingly relaxed conversation. The murmur of low, smooth voices was a gentle hum in the air, but their thoughts bombarded me once more.
All of the immortals turned to observe our party as we entered the room. Most of the immortals were dressed in inconspicuous pants and shirts-things that wouldn't stick out at all on the streets below. But the man who spoke first wore one of the long robes. It was pitch-black, and brushed against the floor. For a moment, I thought his long, jet-black hair was the hood of his cloak.
"Jane, dear one, you've returned!" he cried in evident delight. His voice was just a soft sighing.
He drifted forward as the entire group converged around him, some following, and some walking ahead of him with the alert manner of bodyguards).
He glided to Jane, took her face in his papery hands, kissed her lightly on her full lips, and then floated back a step.
"Yes, Master." Jane smiled; the expression made her look like an angelic child. "I brought him back alive, just as you wished."
"Ah, Jane." He smiled, too. "You are such a comfort to me."
He turned his misty eyes toward us, and the smile brightened-became ecstatic.
"And Alice and Bella, too!" he rejoiced, clapping his thin hands together. "This is a happy surprise! Wonderful!"
He turned to our hulking escort. "Felix, be a dear and tell my brothers about our company. I'm sure they wouldn't want to miss this."
"Yes, Master." Felix nodded and disappeared back the way we had come.
"You see, Edward?"
"What did I tell you? Aren't you glad that I didn't give you what you wanted yesterday?" Yesterday I had come to him for my death.
"Yes, Aro, I am," I agreed, tightening my arm around Bella´s waist.
"I love a happy ending." Aro sighed. "They are so rare. But I want the whole story. How did this happen? Alice?" He turned to gaze at Alice with curious, misty eyes. "Your brother seemed to think you infallible, but apparently there was some mistake."
"Oh, I'm far from infallible." She flashed a dazzling smile. She looked perfectly at ease, except that her hands were balled into tight little fists, her mind was far from unruffled. She kept her pretense, as I did. "As you can see today, I cause problems as often as I cure them."
"You're too modest," Aro chided. "I've seen some of your more amazing exploits, and I must admit I've never observed anything like your talent. Wonderful!"
Alice flickered a glance at me. Aro did not miss it.
"I'm sorry, we haven't been introduced properly at all, have we? It's just that I feel like I know you already, and I tend get ahead of myself. Your brother introduced us yesterday, in a peculiar way. You see, I share some of your brother's talent, only I am limited in a way that he is not." Aro shook his head; his tone was envious.
"And also exponentially more powerful," I added dryly. I looked at Alice as I swiftly explained. "Aro needs physical contact to hear your thoughts, but he hears much more than I do. You know I can only hear what's passing through your head in the moment. Aro hears every thought your mind has ever had."
Alice raised her delicate eyebrows, and I inclined my head to confirm her thought, this was our normal way of communication she would see the future I would listen to her thoughts, and we answered each other´s questions that way, I would conspicuously nod and no one would assemble our silent conversation a part from Aro as I discovered moments ago.
Aro didn't miss that either.
"But to be able to hear from a distance..." Aro sighed, gesturing toward the two of us, and the exchange that had just taken place. "That would be so convenient."
Aro looked over our shoulders. All the other heads turned in the same direction, including Jane, Alec, and Demetri, who stood silently beside us.
Felix was back, and behind him floated two more black-robed men. Both looked very much like Aro, one even had the same flowing black hair. The other had a shock of snow-white hair-the same shade as his face-that brushed against his shoulders. Their faces had identical, paper-thin skin.
The trio from Carlisle's painting was complete, unchanged by the last three hundred years since it was painted.
"Marcus, Caius, look!" Aro crooned. "Bella is alive after all, and Alice is here with her! Isn't that wonderful?"
Neither of the other two looked as if wonderful would be their first choice of words. The dark-haired man seemed utterly bored, like he'd seen too many millennia of Aro's enthusiasm. The other's hice was sour under the snowy hair.
Their lack of interest did not curb Aro's enjoyment.
"Let us have the story," Aro almost sang.
The white-haired ancient vampire drifted away, gliding toward one of the wooden thrones. The other paused beside Aro, and he reached his hand out, touching Aro's palm briefly and then dropped his hand to his side. Aro raised one black brow.
I snorted very quietly, and Alice looked at me, curious. Marcus was letting Aro know his thoughts.
"Thank you, Marcus," Aro said. "That's quite interesting."
Marcus had just measured my relationship with Bella, Aro was very surprised but Marcus couldn’t care less he had been seeing relationships for centuries. He wouldn’t nurture any emotion for ours, as he didn’t with any other, but apparently he too was surprised, but it soon fated away.
Marcus glided away from Aro to join Caius, seated against the wall. Two of the attending vampires followed silently behind him-bodyguards, as Aro liked to keep them close, for he wasn’t a soldier he was the mind of any battle. I could see that the two women in the sundresses had gone to stand beside Caius in the same manner.
Aro was shaking his head. "Amazing,"' he said. "Absolutely amazing."
Alice's expression was frustrated. I turned to her and explained again in a low voice. "Marcus sees relationships. He's surprised by the intensity of ours."
Aro smiled. "So convenient," he repeated to himself. Then he spoke to us. "It takes quite a bit to surprise Marcus, I can assure you."
"It's just so difficult to understand, even now," Aro mused, staring at my arm wrapped around Bella. "How can you stand so close to her like that?"
"It's not without effort," I answered calmly. He had seen through my memories every shred of my existence with Bella by my side.
"But still-la tua cantante! What a waste!"
I chuckled once without humor. "I look at it more as a price."
Aro was skeptical. "A very high price."
"Opportunity cost."
Aro laughed. "If I hadn't smelled her through your memories, I wouldn't have believed the call of anyone's blood could be so strong. I've never felt anything like it myself. Most of us would trade much for such a gift, and yet you..."
"Waste it," I finished, my voice sarcastic now, I couldn’t help myself Aro was just too strange his mind was ever so complex and twisted he cared about the most minute details. It almost made me laugh, if our situation had not been life threatening.
Aro laughed again. "Ah, how I miss my friend Carlisle! You remind me of him-only he was not so angry."
"Carlisle outshines me in many other ways as well."
"I certainly never thought to see Carlisle bested for self-control of all things, but you put him to shame."
"Hardly." I sounded as impatient as I indeed was, tired of the preliminaries.
"I am gratified by his success," Aro mused. "Your memories of him are quite a gift for me, though they astonish me exceedingly. I am surprised by how it... pleases me, his success in this unorthodox path he's chosen. I expected that he would waste, weaken with time. I'd scoffed at his plan to find others who would share his peculiar vision. Yet, somehow, I'm happy to be wrong."
I didn't reply. There was no need to; Aro enjoyed his monologues, he wouldn’t need my help to keep the dim-witted conversation, that lead no were but to my exasperation.
"But your restraint!" Aro sighed. "I did not know such strength was possible. To inure yourself against such a siren call, not just once but again and again-if I had not felt it myself, I would not have believed."
I gazed back at Aro's admiration with no expression. He made me sound masochistic, that was probably dead on. His thought however showed envy more than anything else, even more than curiosity which he was known to have to an enormous extent.
"Just remembering how she appeals to you..." Aro chuckled. "It makes me thirsty."
I tensed. His mind drifted to his latest banquet; were he drained innocent tourists who thought that they were having a tour guide around the castle. What they weren’t informed was that they would never leave with a heartbeat. They would be leftovers, random body parts scattered around the Volterra´s sewer systems.
"Don't be disturbed," Aro reassured him. "I mean her no harm. But I am so curious, about one thing in particular." He eyed me with bright interest. "May I?" he asked eagerly, lifting one hand.
"Ask her," I suggested in a flat voice. Aro was wondering since I couldn’t read Bella´s mind, if he would be successful were my gift had failed.
"Of course, how rude of me!" Aro exclaimed. "Bella," he addressed her directly now. "I'm fascinated that you are the one exception to Edward's impressive talent-so very interesting that such a thing should occur! And I was wondering, since our talents are similar in many ways, if you would be so kind as to allow me to try-to see if you are an exception for me, as well?"
Bella´s face reflected what I assumed to be horror, her eyes were filled with understanding, and she had no choice. She took the situation with surprising restraint. Aro was merely curious, he didn’t mean any harm to Bella (at least for the following moments) so I nodded in encouragement.
Bella raised her trembling hand slowly in front of her. Aro took it as to shake it.
Aro couldn’t see a thing like myself, he was ever so frustrated.
"So very interesting," he said as he released her hand and drifted back.
Bellas eyes flickered to me, and, though my face was composed, I believe she saw I was a little smug.
Aro continued to drift with a thoughtful expression. He was quiet for a moment, his eyes flickering between the three of us. Then, abruptly, he shook his head.
"A first," he said to himself "I wonder if she is immune to our other talents... Jane, dear?"
"No!" I snarled the word. Alice grabbed my arm with a restraining hand. I shook her off. HOW dare him, Aro sees Bella as a gunny pig, a mere failed experience. I cannot prevent my rage from surfacing, my fear had just been confirmed.
Jane smiled up happily at Aro. "Yes, Master?"
I was truly snarling now, the sound ripping and tearing from me, glaring at Aro with baleful eyes. The room had gone still, everyone watching me with amazed disbelief, as if I were committing some embarrassing social faux pas. I saw Felix grin hopefully and move a step forward. Aro glanced at him once, and he froze in place, his grin turning to a sulky expression. As of that moment I focused only on Aro. I wouldn’t let him do that to Bella, I simply wouldn’t.
Then he spoke to Jane. "I was wondering, my dear one, if Bella is immune to you."
I let go of Bella moving her to hide her from their view. I wasn’t going to let Jane have Bella she wouldn’t stand the pain. And I simply wouldn’t let it happen even If it were a simple wound. Nothing would hurt Bella. Not if I can prevent it. Even if it meant my death I would save her and take as many of the Volturi as I possibly could.
Caius ghosted in our direction, with his entourage, to watch.
Jane turned toward us with a beatific smile.
"Don't!" Alice cried I launched myself at the little girl.
And then I was on the ground. I won´t scream. Jane wouldn’t get the satisfaction of hearing my plea. As I writhe in agony I hear my beloved Bella. She was the one I was saving. I would stand a hundred years of this torture and still be glad. As long as she remains safe, I could crumble.
"Stop!" Bella said. I hear Alice´s thoughts to prevent her from coming between me and Jane, and I am relieved. I was still cringing involuntarily against the stones. The pain wasn’t decreasing it was still as excruciating as the first second but I didn’t make a sound. That would have upset Bella and I couldn’t live with that. She was going through enough. I had to get up, but the agony kept pulling me down, drowning my conscience, and washing my will.
I would wish for it to stop, if it didn’t mean Bella would be next.
I opened my eyes for only a fraction of a second and I saw Jane smiling at me.
Seconds that felt like centuries of excruciating agony passed, and I was still drowning in my own pain, I was on the verge of passing out, if that could happen to vampires I had never felt this kind of physical pain, I didn’t know what happened next. Would I die from the throbbing, it certainly seemed so. I couldn’t die, not yet. I had to save Bella. I kept myself on the surface.
Jane made sure I could feel every bit of torture she inflicted, and she was successful.
"Jane," Aro recalled her in a tranquil voice. She looked up quickly, still smiling with pleasure, her eyes questioning. As soon as Jane looked away, the agony faded, as quickly as it had come.
Aro inclined his head toward Bella.
Jane turned her smile in her direction.
She didn't even meet her gaze. She was watching me from the prison of Alice's arms, still struggling pointlessly.
"He's fine," Alice whispered in a tight voice. As she spoke, I sat up, and then sprang lightly to my feet. I met her eyes, she realized mine were horror-struck. At first she thought the horror was for what I had just suffered. But then I looked quickly at Jane, and back to Bella-and my face relaxed into relief. She realized I worried for her safety, as she did for mine.
I walked to her side and I touch Alice's arm, and she surrendered her to me.
Aro started to laugh. "Ha, ha. ha," he chuckled. "This is wonderful!"
Jane hissed in frustration, leaning forward like she was preparing to spring.
"Don't be put out, dear one," Aro said in a comforting tone, placing a powder-light hand on her shoulder. "She confounds us all."
Jane's upper lip curled back ever her teeth as she continued to glare at me.
"Ha, ha, ha," Aro chortled again. "You're very brave, Edward, to endure in silence. I asked Jane to do that to me once-just out of curiosity." He shook his head in admiration.
I glared, disgusted.
"So what do we do with you now?" Aro sighed.
Alice and I stiffened. This was the part they'd been waiting for. Bella began to tremble in my arms.
"I don't suppose there's any chance that you've changed your mind?" Aro asked me hopefully. "Your talent would be an excellent addition to our little company."
I hesitated. Both Felix and Jane grimace.
I weighted each word before I spoke it. "I'd... rather... not." I considered all the strings attached, they weren’t exactly strings, more like titanium shackles. I could not reveal my wrath. That would have been worse.
"Alice?" Aro asked, still hopeful. "Would you perhaps be interested in joining with us?"
"No, thank you," Alice said.
"And you, Bella?" Aro raised his eyebrows.
I hissed, low in her ears. She stared at Aro blankly. What the hell was he thinking? Seriously, his mind confuses me. How can he chose not see our inherent murderous break out? Was he really asking Bella to stay for dinner? That was an immeasurably bad joke.
It was the white-haired Caius who broke the silence.
"What?" he demanded of Aro; his voice, though no more than a whisper, was flat.
"Caius, surely you see the potential," Aro chided him affectionately. "I haven't seen a prospective talent so promising since we found Jane and Alec. Can you imagine the possibilities when she is one of us?"
Caius looked away with a caustic expression. Jane's eyes sparked with indignation at the comparison.
I fumed beside Bella. She could hear the rumble in my chest, building toward a growl. I was seriously considering either laughing my lungs out, or ripping him apart burn the pieces and force him to eat them (it that was even logical). I was more inclined for the second choice, thus the uncontrollable growl.
"No, thank you,"-She spoke up in barely more than a whisper, her voice breaking in fright.
Aro sighed. "That's unfortunate. Such a waste."
I hissed. "Join or die, is that it? I suspected as much when we were brought to this room. So much for your laws."
I gave in I was unbearably sick of his pointless staling. I decided to go to the point, I had chosen my words with great care and delivered them as inconspicuously as I was able to.
"Of course not." Aro blinked, astonished. "We were already convened here, Edward, awaiting Heidi's return. Not for you."
"Aro," Caius hissed. "The law claims them."
I glared at Caius. "How so?" I demanded. I knew what Caius was thinking but I was determined to make him speak it aloud so everyone in the room would be witnesses.
Caius pointed a skeletal finger at Bella. "She knows too much. You have exposed our secrets." His voice was papery thin, just like his skin.
"There are a few humans in on your charade here, as well," I reminded him of the receptionist below.
Caius's face twisted into a new expression. I smile I suppose, if it matches his current thoughts.
"Yes," he agreed. "But when they are no longer useful to us, they will serve to sustain us. That is not your plan for this one. If she betrays our secrets, are you prepared to destroy her? I think not," he scoffed.
"I wouldn't-," Bella began, still whispering. Caius silenced her with an icy look.
"Nor do you intend to make her one of us," Caius continued. "Therefore, she is a vulnerability. Though it is true, for this, only her life is forfeit. You may leave if you wish."
I bared my teeth. What a stupid thing to say. He had measured our relationship he knew better; he was trying to convince his audience. Which annoyed me ever so much.
"That's what I thought," Caius said, with something akin to pleasure. Felix leaned forward, eager.
"Unless..." Aro interrupted. He looked unhappy with the way the conversation had gone. "Unless you do intend to give her immortality?"
"And if I do?" I hesitated for a fraction of a second; I knew were this was going. He had me cornered.
Aro smiled, happy again. "Why, then you would be free to go home and give my regards to my friend Carlisle." His expression turned more hesitant. "But I'm afraid you would have to mean it."
Aro raised his hand in front of me, so I would take it and show him all the thoughts of everyone I had ever encountered, which was his true motivation, not Bella, but he would keep his pretense.
Caius, who had begun to scowl furiously, relaxed.
My lips tightened into a fierce line. I stared into Bella eyes, and she stared back.
"Mean it," she whispered. "Please."
I could imagine what was going through Bella´s mind, she would be thinking that I wouldn’t turn her, for not loving her enough. But she couldn’t have been more wrong. I loved her enough to not wanting her soul to be lost like mine was; I want her to be happy; to have a normal life, away from danger and irate monsters; a life with me in it if possible. She didn’t see it that way.
I stared down at her, my expression a mix of torture and distress.
And then Alice stepped away from us, forward toward Aro. We turned to watch her. Her hand was raised like his.
She didn't say anything, and Aro waved off his anxious guard as they moved to block her approach. Aro met her halfway, and took her hand with an eager, acquisitive glint in his eyes.
He bent his head over their touching hands, his eyes closing as he concentrated. Alice was motionless, her face blank. My teeth snap together.
No one moved. Aro seemed frozen over Alice's hand. The seconds passed and I grew more and more stressed, Aro was gaining way too much knowledge. Alice had seen so important futures, and they couldn’t fall in the wrong hands, exactly as they are now.
Another agonizing moment passed, and then Aro's voice broke the silence.
"Ha, ha, ha," he laughed, his head still bent forward. He looked up slowly, his eyes bright with excitement. "That was fascinating!"
Alice smiled dryly. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"To see the things you've seen-especially the ones that haven't happened yet!" He shook his head in wonder.
"But that will," she reminded him, voice calm. She was referring to the vision she had of Bella as a vampire. What Aro didn’t know was that Alice´s visions are subjective, they can always change, and in this case they have to. Bella can´t lose her soul.
"Yes, yes, it's quite determined. Certainly there's no problem."
Caius looked bitterly disappointed-a feeling he seemed to share with Felix and Jane.
"Aro," Caius complained.
"Dear Caius," Aro smiled. "Do not fret. Think of the possibilities! They do not join us today, but we can always hope for the future. Imagine the joy young Alice alone would bring to our little household... Besides, I'm so terribly curious to see how Bella turns out!"
"Then we are free to go now?" I asked in an even voice.
"Yes, yes," Aro said pleasantly. "But please visit again. It's been absolutely enthralling!"
"And we will visit you as well," Caius promised, his eyes suddenly half-closed like the heavy-lidded gaze of a lizard. "To be sure that you follow through on your side. Were I you, I would not delay too long. We do not offer second chances."
My jaw clenched tight, but he nodded once.
Caius smirked and drifted back to where Marcus still sat, unmoving and uninterested.
Felix groaned.
"Ah, Felix." Aro smiled, amused. "Heidi will be here at any moment. Patience."
"Hmm." My voice had a new edge to it. "In that case, perhaps we'd better leave sooner rather than later."
"Yes," Aro agreed. "That's a good idea. Accidents do happen. Please wait below until after dark, though, if you don't mind."
"Of course," I agreed. I didn’t express physically the enormous sigh of relief I had just given mentally.
"And here," Aro added, motioning to Felix with one finger. Felix came forward at once, and Aro unfastened the gray cloak the huge vampire wore, pulling from his shoulders. He tossed it to Edward. "Take this. You're a little conspicuous."
I put the long cloak on, leaving the hood down.
Aro sighed. "It suits you."
I chuckled, but broke off suddenly, glancing over my shoulder. "Thank you, Aro. We'll wait below."
"Goodbye, young friends," Aro said, his eyes bright as he stared in the same direction. He owns the strangest definition of friendship on earth. His mind works literally in mysterious ways.
"Let's go," I said, urgent now.
Demetri gestured that we should follow, and then set off the way we'd come in, the only exit by the look of things.
I pulled Bella swiftly along beside me. Alice was close by my other side, her face hard.
"Not fast enough," she muttered. She was referring to the imminent meal Bella was about to witness. Her vision was truly disturbing, even for a vampire.
"Well this is unusual," a man's coarse voice boomed.
"So medieval," an unpleasantly shrill, female voice gushed back.
A large crowd was coming through the little door, filling the smaller stone chamber. Demetri motioned for us to make room. We pressed back against the cold wall to let them pass.
The couple in front, Americans from the sound of them, glanced around themselves with appraising eyes.
"Welcome, guests! Welcome to Volterra!" We could hear Aro sing from the big turret room.
The rest of them, maybe forty or more, filed in after the couple. Some studied the setting like tourists. A few even snapped pictures. Others looked confused, as if the story that had led them to this room was not making sense anymore. I noticed one small, dark woman in particular. Around her neck was a rosary, and she gripped the cross tightly in one hand. She walked more slowly than the others, touching someone now and then and asking a question in an unfamiliar language. No one seemed to understand her, and her voice grew more panicked.
I pulled Bella´s face against my chest, but it was too late. She had already understood.
As soon as the smallest break appeared, I pushed her quickly toward the door. I could see Bella´s horrified expression, and the tears beginning to pool in her eyes.
The ornate golden hallway was quiet, empty except for one gorgeous, statuesque woman. She stared at us curiously, at Bella in particular.
"Welcome home, Heidi," Demetri greeted her from behind us.
Heidi smiled absently.
"Demetri," she responded in a silky voice, her eyes flickering between Bella´s face and my gray cloak.
"Nice fishing," Demetri complimented her, and I suddenly understood the attention-grabbing outfit she wore... she was not only the fisherman, but also the bait.
"Thanks." She flashed a stunning smile. "Aren't you coming?"
"In a minute. Save a few for me."
Heidi nodded and ducked through the door with one last curious look at Bella.
I set a pace that made Bella run to keep up. I noticed how tired she was but it would be worse to hear, what we were about to hear, we still couldn't get through the ornate door at the end of the hallway before the screaming started.
DEMETRI LEFT US IN THE CHEERFULLY OPULENT RECEPTION area, where the woman Gianna was still at her post behind the polished counter. Bright, harmless music tinkled from hidden speakers.
"Do not leave until dark," he warned us.
I nodded, and Demetri hurried away.
Gianna did not seem at all surprised by the exchange, though she did eye my borrowed cloak with shrewd speculation.
"Are you all right?" I asked Bella under my breath, low enough for the human woman not to hear. I did a poor job trying to comfort her, my voice was rough and stressed, due to the events Bella would be forced to assist.
"You'd better make her sit before she falls," Alice said. "She's going to pieces."
"Shh, Bella, shh," I said as I pulled her to the sofa farthest away from the curious human at the desk.
"I think she's having hysterics. Maybe you should slap her," Alice suggested.
I threw a frantic glance at her. I obviously wouldn’t slap her maybe unconsciousness would be the best thing right now. I wouldn’t wake her until we were out of there. If I still know Bella sleeping would be the last thing in her mind.
"It's all right, you're safe, it's all right," I said again and again. I pulled her onto my lap and tucked the thick wool cloak around her, protecting her from my cold skin. She was shaking enough as it was.
As if it wasn’t enough to have that strange, near death encounter, she was about to hear screams, as the tourists realized their fates.
"All those people," She sobbed.
"I know," I whispered.
"It's so horrible."
"Yes, it is. I wish you hadn't had to see that." That was all I could express at the time. I still had her close to my chest, but I felt as if we were still apart. I needed to kiss her, to truly believe that she was alive. It´s stupid of me, but all of this seems more of a dream, an awkward, awful nightmare, than reality. As soom as I kiss Bella I would know that I wasn’t sleeping. And when I did all of this will be over.
She rested her head against my chest, using the thick cloak to wipe her eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself.
"Is there anything I can get you?" a voice asked politely. It was Gianna, leaning over my shoulder with a look that was both concerned and yet still professional and detached at the same time. It didn't seem to bother her that her face was inches from a hostile vampire. She was either totally oblivious, or very good at her job.
"No," I answered coldly.
She nodded, smiled at Bella, and then disappeared.
"Does she know what's going on here?" Bella demanded,after Gianna was out of hearing range, her voice low and hoarse.
"Yes. She knows everything," I told her.
"Does she know they're going to kill her someday?"
"She's knows it's a possibility," I said.
That surprised her, she didn’t understand the woman´s motivations, and neither did I. why would she want to be a monster, that if she didn’t die in the process.
"She's hoping they'll decide to keep her."
"She wants to be one of them?"
I nodded once, my eyes sharp on Bella´s face, watching her reaction.
She shuddered. "How can she want that?" she whispered, more to herself than really looking for an answer. "How can she watch those people file through to that hideous room and want to be a part of that?"
I didn't answer. My expression twisted in response to what she said.
"Oh, Edward," She cried.
"What's wrong?" I asked, still anxious, rubbing her back with gentle pats.
She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Is it really sick for me to be happy right now?" she asked. Her voice broke twice.
I pulled her tight against my chest. "I know exactly what you mean," I whispered. "But we have lots of reasons to be happy. For one, we're alive."
"Yes," She agreed. "That's a good one."
"And together," I breathed. His
She just nodded.
"And, with any luck, we'll still be alive tomorrow."
"Hopefully," She said uneasily.
"The outlook is quite good," Alice assured her. "I'll see Jasper in less than twenty-four hours," she added in a satisfied tone.
I stared at Bella and she stared back. I was so glad she has forgiven me, or so it seemed. She still loves me. She saved my life and kept close to me. I believe she still loves me, or at least I hope that’s true.
My fingertips traced the circles under Bella´s eyes. "You look so tired." I whispered.
"And you look thirsty," she whispered back, studying the purple bruises under my black irises.
I shrugged. "It's nothing."
"Are you sure? I could sit with Alice," she offered, unwilling. I was glad the offer wasn’t serious, she obviously didn’t want to be away from my chest, and I would feel empty if she did. We fit together. She close to my chest, it seemed if we were one. It felt so natural, as if those four months had been erased.
"Don't be ridiculous." I sighed. "I've never been in better control of that side of my nature than right now."
I stared at Bella while Alice and me discussed how we would get home. Theft was involved and then we´d take a plain home. It was pretty simple. We spoke out loud, but Gianna wouldn’t have pick up anything useful, for we spoke fast.
"What was all that talk about singers?" Alice asked at one point.
"La tua cantante," I said.
"Yes, that," Alice said. And Bella focused on the conversation, she was as curious as Alice, or even more.
I shrugged around Bella. "They have a name for someone who smells the way Bella does to me. They call her my singer-because her blood sings for me."
Alice laughed.
As I talked with Alice, I would lean down suddenly and kiss Bella-my lips brushing against her hair, her forehead, and the tip of her nose.
When my arms tightened around Bella, both she and Alice looked to the back of the room with wary eyes, she panicked. She cringed into my chest as Alec-his eyes now a vivid ruby, but still spotless in his light gray suit despite the afternoon meal-walked through the double doors.
It was good news. The banquet was over. All the tourist were now bloodless piles in Volterra´s sewer systems.
"You're free to leave now," Alec told us, his tone so warm you'd think we were all lifelong friends. "We ask that you don't linger in the city."
"That won't be a problem." I didn’t even bother pretending, my voice came out cold.
Alec smiled, nodded, and disappeared again.
"Follow the right hallway around the corner to the first set of elevators," Gianna told us as I helped Bella to her feet. "The lobby is two floors down, and exits to the street. Goodbye, now," she added pleasantly. I wondered if her competence would be enough to save her. Probably not.
Alice shot her a dark look.
We left through a tastefully luxurious lobby. Bella was the only one who glanced back at the medieval castle that housed the elaborate business facade she couldn't see the turret from here, for which I was grateful, and I´m sure she was as well.
The party was still in full swing in the streets. The street lamps were just coming on as we walked swiftly through the narrow, cobbled lanes. The sky was a dull, fading gray overhead, but the buildings crowded the streets so closely that it felt darker.
The party was darker, too. My long, trailing cloak did not stand out in the way it might have on a normal evening in Volterra. There were others in black satin cloaks now, and the plastic fangs I'd seen on the child in the square today seemed to be very popular with the adults. Purely preposterous.
"Ridiculous," I muttered once.
"Where's Alice?" Bella whispered in panic.
"She went to retrieve your bags from where she stashed them this morning."
"She's stealing a car, too, isn't she?" She guessed.
I grinned. "Not till we're outside."
It seemed like a very long way to the entryway. I could see that Bella was spent; I wound my arm around her waist and supported most of her weight as we walked.
She shuddered as I pulled her through the dark stone archway. The huge, ancient portcullis above was like a cage door, threatening to drop on us, to lock us in.
I led her toward a dark car, waiting in a pool of shadow to the right of the gate with the engine running. I slid into the backseat with her.
Alice was apologetic. "I'm sorry." She gestured vaguely toward the dashboard. "There wasn't much to choose from."
"It's fine, Alice." I grinned. "They can't all be 911 Turbos."
She sighed. "I may have to acquire one of those legally. It was fabulous."
"I'll get you one for Christmas," I promised. She would haveto keep it in the garege. No high school girl drove a Porsche, and we had to keep a low profile. But It made her happy. And she could always drive at night.
"Yellow," she told me.
I kept Bella tight in my arms. Inside the gray cloak, she was warm and comfortable.
"You can sleep now, Bella," I murmured. "It's over."
"I don't want to sleep. I'm not tired."
I pressed my lips to the hollow under her ear. "Try," I encouraged.
She shook her head.
I sighed. "You're still just as stubborn."
at the airport in Florence Alice bought me new clothes, and I left the dark cloak on a pile of trash in an alley. The plane trip to Rome was so short that there wasn't really a chance for the fatigue to drag me under. I knew the flight from Rome to Atlanta would be another matter entirely, so she asked the flight attendant if she could bring her a Coke.
"Bella," I said disapprovingly. I knew her low tolerance for caffeine.
Alice was behind us. She was speaking to Jasper on the phone. I gave them privacy.
"I don't want to sleep," Bella reminded me. "If I close my eyes now, I'll see things I don't want to see. I'll have nightmares."
I didn't argue with her after that.